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Située sur le flanc d’un coteau dominant la vallée de l’Ognon, paradis des pêcheurs, cette jolie bourgade a su préserver son cachet ancien avec ses sites historiques.Le château, l’église avec son clocher comtois et l’hôpital de Grammont signalent le «Bourg en haut», jadis bourg castral. Dans le «Bourg en bas», le moulin, le tissage et la gare d’autrefois signent une époque prospère, avec plus loin, les anciennes forges et leurs écluses.Located on the side of a hill overlooking the OGNON valley, a fishermen’s paradise, this pretty village has kept its old image with its historic sites.The castle, the church with its typical « clocher comtois » and the Grammont Hospital indicate the «Bourg en haut», formerly bourg castral. In the «Bourg en bas», the mill, the weaving and the old railway station sign a prosperous period, with, farther the old forges and their locks.

With 21 years of experience in the hair industry, Giuseppe started his passion for styling hair at the age of 18 at a salon located in downtown Chicago. He later moved to the North Shore where he has been working for over 16 years. For over 10 of those years he worked at Mario Tricoci Hair Salon and Day Spa in Old Orchard as their Creative Director. He has trained in LA, New York, Miami, Canada, London, and Italy at various institutions such as Vidal Sassoon, Toni & Guy, Rusk, Bumble and Bumble, Redken, and with Nick Arrojo, from “What Not To Wear”. In addition, Giuseppe is a certified Bumble and Bumble Network Educator, a certified Great Lengths Hair Extension Specialist, a certified Brazilian Keratin Treatment Specialist, and is certified with Mizani Relaxers. He also specializes in Thermal Straightening and So Cap Extensions.Giuseppe has participated in several makeover shows on television, such as Jenny Jones and the Oprah Winfrey Show. His work has been published in North Shore Magazine, In-Style Magazine and the Chicago Tribune. He has also been featured in Chicago Health and Beauty on their “Make Over of the Month.” He is currently the only stylist in Wilmette that is featured on NaturallyCurly.com. With his passion growing in the industry, Giuseppe continues to work onstage at fashion shows, and with models in front of the cameras; utilizing the latest techniques and show casing the latest trends. In his last photo shoot, he took 1st place in the “Rising Star Hair and Photo Competition.” If it’s one thing Giuseppe is known for, it’s making sure that the style works for you, and that you can work with your style.